Launch of UKAS Accreditation E-Certificates

From Monday 9th December 2019, UKAS will be transferring to electronic certificates of accreditation. This initiative stems from our strategic priorities and marks the start of the modernisation and improvement of our online services for both customers and stakeholders. UKAS…

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Social Media for Business

With social media’s exploding popularity, it is increasingly risky for trade associations to ignore this medium. Whether promoting a new service or gauging consumer reactions, organisations today are dangerously close to becoming “behind the times” if they are not present…

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Brexit Readiness Briefing Invitation – Aluminium Federation

You and your colleagues are invited to a special Brexit Readiness Briefing with officials from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Our colleagues at the Aluminium Federation will be hosting BEIS at the Advanced Engineering Show on…

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New Polymer £20 Note Unveiled – The Bank of England

The Bank of England’s new polymer £20 note is coming on 20 February 2020. It features the artist JMW Turner. For more information please visit the dedicated web page below: The new note’s security features are shown in this…

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The Dangers of Being Uninsured – Miles Smith Insurance Group

Many businesses, regardless of industry, are risking their own survival by unwittingly remaining underinsured. A disastrous event can strike a business at any moment, leaving it vulnerable. Please click here or on the PDF below for more information

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CPA Conference – Tickets now available

CPA Conference – Thursday 17th October Heart of England Conference & Events Centre, Fillongley, Coventry CONFERENCE TIMETABLE 08:30 – EVENT OPENS Refreshments, registration and exhibition 09:15 – CONFERENCE STARTS Conveyor – Merryn Myatt, Perris Myatt Welcome – Kevin Minton, Construction…

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Business Readiness Fund Launched by Government

The Secretary of State for Business has launched a Business Readiness Fund to help prepare for the eventuality of the UK leaving the EU without a withdrawal agreement.   The objective of the scheme is to fund business organisations and trade…

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Construction industry response to Grenfell recommends UKAS accreditation

A report issued by the construction industry’s Competence Steering Group (CSG) is recommending the use of UKAS accredited certification to ensure the competence of personnel involved with High Risk Residential Buildings (HRRBs). The CSG was established, under the leadership of…

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Piano supplier fined £3.7m for illegally preventing price discounts

The CMA has fined Casio £3.7 million for breaking competition law by preventing online discounting for its digital pianos and keyboards. The move comes after the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) issued a Statement of Objections against Casio Electronics Co. Ltd (Casio)…

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New Best Practice Guide on Improving Consumer Comprehension of Contractual Terms and Privacy Policies

The Government is committed to doing all it can to improve consumer comprehension of T&Cs.   BEIS has commissioned their Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) to produce an evidence based, concise, Best Practice Guide for business on presenting contractual terms and privacy…

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A call to action for energy using SME’s and their Trade Associations

The time ‘save our planet’ is NOW. More and more businesses and organisations recognise the need to up their game on reducing their energy and carbon usage. The UK Government has highlighted their active interest in the SME market and…

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SSIP Pilot Assessment Programme completed – accreditations granted

UKAS and Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) Ltd have been collaborating since 2017 to include the SSIP requirements in the UKAS assessment of certification bodies in the SSIP scheme. The pilot assessment programme is now nearing completion, with the last…

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