AMDEA is the UK trade association for the manufacturers of small and large domestic appliances. It represents over 80% of the appliance industry. Members are all manufacturers, importers of household appliances and include most of the UK’s top selling brands of major white goods. These include large and small kitchen appliances, heating, water heating, floor care, waste disposal and ventilation equipment. Our members represent over 80% of the UK domestic appliance market, rising to 95% for large white goods.

ADS represents and supports more than 1100 UK businesses operating in the aerospace, defence, security and space sectors.

Whether representing industry, connecting our members with business opportunities or driving forward innovation and growth, ADS is at the forefront of an array of activities, events and programmes that benefit our members.

Our membership ranges from major multinational businesses with substantial UK presences, to hundreds of small and medium sized companies in every part of the country.

We are an organisation that aims to deliver to the highest standards, and as such we have successfully been accredited for the ISO9001:2015 Standard and Cyber Essentials Plus.

Farnborough International Limited (FIL), which runs the Farnborough International Airshow, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ADS Group Ltd.

The Federation of Independent Retailers is one of Europe’s largest employers’ associations, with more than 15,000 independent retail stores across the UK and Ireland.

We exist to help independent retailers compete more effectively in today’s highly competitive market. We provide:

  • Practical help and assistance
  • Commercial support
  • Deals and buying opportunities
  • Training, expertise and services

We actively represent our members’ interests at governmental and parliamentary level, and we are the official government referral body for the sector. We are proud to be a powerful voice for the independent retailer.

Today, our members include newsagents, convenience stores, confectioners, florists, petrol forecourts, news deliverers, off-licences, post offices, coffee shops, and card and stationery shops.

Formed in 1934, the International Union of Aerospace Insurance (IUAI) has been representing the interests of the aerospace insurance and reinsurance industry for over 80 years. In just over a century of manned flight, the aerospace sector has developed and changed beyond all recognition, and the members of the Union have had to develop and adapt to meet the demands of an expanding customer base, new technologies and ever changing international legal regimes.

With Membership standing at 66 entities, comprising insurers, reinsurers and associations drawn from 28 different countries, we estimate that some 90% of the worldwide aerospace insurance cover is written by our members who between them provide cover for every aspect of aerospace business:

• from privately-owned ultralights to entire airline jet fleets
• from maintenance shops to airframe and engine manufacturers
• from small general aviation airfields to major airports
• from micro-satellites to commercial space launchers.

The Union’s offices are located in Threadneedle Street, in the centre of the insurance sector of the City of London.

MADE IN BRITAIN is a non-profit organisation, limited by guarantee and registered at Companies House here. We bring together the British manufacturing community, united with the use of the registered collective mark. Our marks are protected and can only be used under licence by our members, and within our published terms & conditions.

Made in Britain also offers members support in four areas: sales, marketing, exports and comms/PR. Becoming a member entitles your business to a profile page on the Made in Britain Members Directory alongside all the other makers. We encourage buyers, specifiers and consumers to use the Members Directory as the procurement site for British-made goods. Many Made in Britain members use the network of membership to find new suppliers and buyers.

We promote members’ stories with our news stream, social media and in local and national media. We send a regular email newsletter to members, so make sure the email address is allowed through your email filters.

Members have exclusive access to our Green Growth Assessment and Programme, aligned to the UN SDG12 goal.

We are the trade association for the UK’s games and interactive entertainment industry; a not-for-profit, representing businesses from micro studios to multinationals, developers, publishers and service companies, working across online, mobile, console, PC, esports and immersive. It’s our mission to make the UK the best place to make, sell and play games.

Ukie is the oldest video games and interactive entertainment trade body in the world. Since its foundation in 1989, originally under the name of ELSPA, Ukie has sought to make the UK the best place to make, play and sell video games.

Ukie advocates every day on behalf of the sector. It helps its membership with a number of business support services. It speaks on a daily basis with press to tell the story of the sector. It champions the industry, and fights its corner, in government. It also builds for the future through its pioneering education programme, diversity initiatives and parental advice site

The organisation now represents nearly 500 businesses across the UK including major video game platforms, international publishers, home grown heroes, independent developers and the vast array of service providers who keep the sector going.

The ODDA was founded in 2014 when a group of leading dating services decided to create a body that would allow the sector to work together on standards and speak as one voice with regulators, law enforcement agencies and others.

In January 2024 the Online Dating Association (ODA) relaunched as the Online Dating and Discovery Association (ODDA)

The ODDA is the trade association recognised as the voice of the online dating sector, supported by a membership who believe in trust & safety, honesty & clarity, and privacy; and who believe in creating a positive experience for users; and a technology ecosystem that supports innovation in online dating.

What we do

  • Work with members and partners to set standards for what is ‘good practice’ in online dating, by promoting trust & safety, data privacy & protection and good business
  • Change the narrative around online dating by delivering positive PR and campaigns on behalf of the wider sector, through both proactive and reactive engagement
  • Communicate with legislators, regulators and wider stakeholders on policies that affect the sector, delivering an impactful advocacy strategy and helping our members be ready for legislative changes
  • Create spaces for thought-leadership in the sector with opportunities for learning, networking and sharing challenges & solutions, including keeping an eye on the horizon for what is ‘coming next’
  • Engaging in high quality research which illustrates the impact of the online dating a sector
  • Enable daters to learn how to be smart users of online dating apps and websites

The FPA is the representative voice of foodservice packaging, at all levels. We engage with central and devolved governments, government committees, NGOs, other trade associations and relevant bodies.

In additional to international, national, regional and local government liaison, we ensure our members are kept informed through our annual Environment Conference, regular webinars and our weekly news Digest.

Members have plenty of opportunity to network with each other through our annual Awards, lunch and various events. Our committee structure ensures that members are represented at every level.

We are a UK-based trade association, who support and represent companies working throughout the Asbestos Industry. ACAD provides first class asbestos training and runs the CITB funded NVQ assessment centres for the Asbestos Industry.

ACAD has been representing its members in the Asbestos Industry since 1993 when it was created by TICA as a not for profit trade association with a central aim of working to raise standards.

Through quality training and best practice, we are committed to ensuring a highly skilled workforce and an industry fully equipped to manage and safely eradicate the UK Asbestos legacy.

ACAD staff are based at The National Training Centre in Darlington. The administrative, training and assessment teams are supported by external advisors in HR and legal, accounts and communications. The ACAD Manager is Graham Warren.

ACAD aims to:

  • Improve overall Health & Safety standards within the industry by promoting best practice
  • Provide superior asbestos training and NVQ competence assessments to the industry
  • Provide accurate information and guidance to members and the wider industry

ACAD meets regularly with the Health & Safety Executive and represents membership views on all of their asbestos groups and committees including the Asbestos Leadership Council (ALC) and ALC Technical Working Group (TWG).

In addition ACAD works closely with many other organisations including Build UK, CSCS, CITB, BOHS, FAAM, NORAC, IATP, UKATA, SQA and NOCN.


ADSA was formed in 1985 for the purpose of ensuring that its member companies offer superior levels of safety for pedestrian automatic doors.

ADSA exists to promote the highest standards in automatic doors and to help specifiers and customers obtain the best solution for their requirements. ADSA first developed the industry code of practice. This covers the safety aspects of automatic doors for pedestrian use. This subsequently formed the basis of BS 7036: 1988, a code of practice for provision and installation of safety devices for automatic, power operated pedestrian door systems.

With advances in technology and the introduction of new safety devices, ADSA then developed to the updated standard BS 7036: 1996 covering safety of powered doors for pedestrian use. This was complemented by a written test taken by anyone involved in the industry who undertakes operations covered by The British Standard.

ADSA is actively involved in the formulation of European-wide standards. This resulted in standard BS EN 16005 – 2012, which replaced BS 7036 in April 2013. All members are fully committed to this standard and its associated testing.

ADSA member companies supply over 75% of the UK market. They can advise on every aspect of automatic doors, from the initial selection and specification, through to installation in order to ensure that clients end up with the right type of door for their particular requirements.

Automatic doors aren’t just aesthetically pleasing. They can help regulate climate control in an entrance area whilst also offering a functional solution for people of all ages and abilities, particularly when viewed in compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Equality Act 2010.

For ADSA our work on technical standards is paramount. We have representatives on technical standard committees including;

  • MHE/031 Automatic Power Operated Pedestrian Doors
  • B/538/01 Windows and Doors
  • B/538/02 Doors
  • B/538/15 Finger Traps
  • MHE/031 UK Mirror Group
  • B/559 Access to Buildings for Disabled People
  • BS 7036-0 Risk assessment for BS EN 16005

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