As demand increases for English whiskies by consumers, a variety of distilleries in the country have collaborated to form the English Whisky Guild (EWG), with aims to showcase and protect the quality and diversity now rife within the English whisky industry.

The Environmental Services Association (ESA) is the trade body representing the UK’s resource and waste management industry. While people talk about the circular economy, our members are helping to bring it about every day.

A sustainable, low-carbon economy of the future depends on quality recycled materials and world-class resources and waste management. ESA members collect, process and deliver these resources and are innovating and investing for a long-term zero-waste, zero-carbon future, building sustainable infrastructure and creating jobs.

We work on behalf of our UK members and our network of partners to put companies of all sizes in touch with the best and most innovative supply chain businesses in the UK.

The UK Gasket & Sealing Association (UKGSA) is a trade association representing the specialised interests of companies engaged in the conversion of materials into gaskets and seals for all types of industrial use.

What we do:

Networking Events – activities designed to promote success and growth, through collaboration & best practice.

Technical Events – industrial and manufacturing tours or presentations to member and non-member sites.

Technical Support – access to technical resource in their fellow members who are able to offer support on manufacturing issues, material selection & processing, and design & development.

Representing our members – actively promote members’​ activities and news through PR to national and international trade magazines and general media. We represent our industry to various technical bodies on international standards. We aim to proactively promote our members’​ views to government and trade bodies and influence decisions of those organisations to the benefit of our members.

Marketing Support – we actively use social media and publish member profiles and case studies on our website. We send out regular email newsletters to our members and our wider industry contacts with a variety of information as well as member news.

Procurement Support – through our affiliation with British Standards Institute, members can acquire electronic copies of UK, European and International Standards at reduced prices. Members have access to a Buying Portal giving potential cost savings to members.

Charitable Giving – we support our chosen charity Macmillan Cancer Support through various fundraising activities.

The Influencer Marketing Trade Body is a professional membership organisation dedicated to building a robust, sustainable future for the influencer marketing industry.

We are the professional membership body for influencer marketing agencies and influencer marketing platforms.

We champion professionalism within the influencer marketing industry by celebrating and sharing best practices.

All members are bound by our Code of Conduct, Memorandum of Association and bye-laws so protecting our clients and promoting the reputation of our industry.

We consult with our members to ensure they are heard and represented. We then define and articulate that unified voice to politicians, policymakers, publications, and the public.

Established in 1939 and previously known as the FFMA, the Funeral Suppliers’ Association (FSA) is the link between manufacturers & suppliers of goods and suppliers to the funeral sector. We aim to safeguard and improve the traditional high standards of products and services that our members provide.

The FSA works tirelessly to ensure our members are well represented within the industry and, working alongside other funeral sector trade associations, represent members’ interests on both the Deceased Management Advisory Group (DMAG) and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Funerals and Bereavement.

UKPIA is the only trade association that brings together companies involved in refining, renewable fuel production, terminal operations and filling stations. Our members contribute significantly to the UK’s extensive and resilient fuel supply chain today and are preparing for the future by planning and investing in projects that reduce emissions for tomorrow’s Net-Zero economy.

The BTA is the representative association for the business travel community and travel management companies, with our TMC members accounting for over ninety per cent of all managed travel booked in the UK.

Our industry partners are all influential travel industry suppliers including airlines, airports, accommodation companies, rail, car rental, technology, payment and ancillary product providers.

Working with our members and industry partners, we raise the profile of the vital role business travel plays in the broader economy. This includes facilitating leading industry events, commissioning surveys and research and lobbying organisations that can impact and influence our industry; including suppliers, UK Government and EU legislators.

The WRA has more than 100 member companies representing over 90 per cent of the UK’s wood recyclers and reprocessors.

We act on behalf of our members to provide a voice for the sector at the highest levels, working closely with the Environment Agency, DEFRA and other trade associations and recycling bodies to influence and advise on issues affecting our industry, including legislation. Our members include wood recyclers and reprocessors, panel board mills, renewable energy suppliers, technology manufacturers, consultancies and specialist insurance and health & safety companies. We also enjoy reciprocal membership with our German equivalent BAV and the UK-based Resource Association.

The WRA was formed in 2001 by a small group of wood recyclers who wanted to raise standards in the industry and ensure its needs continued to be recognised and met by those in power. Today two of the original WRA founders still sit on the Board, along with others from a vast array of backgrounds who all give their time on a voluntary basis to work alongside our Executive Director.

The WRA holds quarterly meetings which include presentations on a range of subjects from potential new markets to environmental and regulatory issues. We also aim to host at least one site tour of a member company at least once a year.

The SPOA is the ONLY trade body representing the Scottish Plant Industry in it’s entirety, we recognise the challenges our members face across the country and make great effort to both listen and to act on their concerns.

The SPOA is a trade association for those in the business of owning, operating and hiring plant used in the Scottish & UK construction industry. Our membership is growing, there are currently more than 350 member organisations.

Every day at the SPOA we are first and foremost advocates for the plant industry. Whether that is through ensuring our industry is training the right people, in the right way, lobbying about issues that matter to our industry or through championing innovation in the sector.

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